Figyelmeztetések, Huuhtisaari

Fire danger

5. 27. de. 0:00 0:00 – 5. 27. du. 9:00 21:00

Orange wildfire warning: Etelä-Savo and locally in the southern part of the country, Mon 3.00 - Tue 0.00 A wildfire warning is in force and the risk of wildfires is very high.

FMI Open Data

Fire danger

5. 28. du. 9:00 21:00 – 5. 29. du. 9:00 21:00

Orange wildfire warning: Etelä-Savo and locally in the southern part of the country, Wed 0.00 - Thu 0.00 A risk of wildfires is very high on from the night between Tuesday and Wednesday to the night between Wednesday and Thursday with probability of 80 %.

FMI Open Data

Fire danger

5. 30. du. 9:00 21:00 – 5. 31. du. 8:39 20:39

Orange wildfire warning: Etelä-Savo and locally in the southern part of the country, Fri 0.00 - 23.39 A risk of wildfires is very high on from the night between Thursday and Friday to the night between Friday and Saturday with probability of 60 %.

FMI Open Data

Fire danger

5. 27. du. 9:00 21:00 – 5. 28. du. 9:00 21:00

Orange wildfire warning: Etelä-Savo and locally in the southern part of the country, Tue 0.00 - Wed 0.00 A wildfire warning is in force and the risk of wildfires is very high.

FMI Open Data

Fire danger

5. 29. du. 9:00 21:00 – 5. 30. du. 9:00 21:00

Orange wildfire warning: Etelä-Savo and locally in the southern part of the country, Thu 0.00 - Fri 0.00 A risk of wildfires is very high on from the night between Wednesday and Thursday to the night between Thursday and Friday with probability of 80 %.

FMI Open Data

High temperature

5. 28. de. 9:00 9:00 – 5. 31. du. 8:40 20:40

Yellow heat wave warning: The southern and middle parts of the country, Tue 12.00 - Fri 23.40 Heat wave warning: From Tuesday noon to the night between Friday and Saturday, probability for warm weather is 70%. Warm weather may cause health problems for groups at risk.

FMI Open Data


5. 17. du. 9:00 21:00 – 5. 31. du. 8:59 20:59

Flood Center/SYKE: Lake Saimaa can flood in places in the lowest areas.


A következő 24 óra

Világ időjárása ma

Legmelegebb és leghidegebb

Min Max

Saját időjárás


Időjárás: Savonlinna